Friday, May 29, 2009

The Blues Ain't Just Music 'Round Here

If you look back, you can see where the blues started creeping up on me. Insidiously blue snuck into my life here and there, staring out as green, moving into teal, and then turquoise--like the colors in this purse I knit a few years ago and took on an outing today to the Oregon Garden.

From accepting these colors into my life it was a small drift into blue.

Recently, blue staring taking up residence beginning with the treasury I did in March. From that time, blue just started taking over more territory in my stash. Like the spread of a non-native plant, it just grew and grew and shoved aside other long-time favorite colors.

For example, look at these three lightweight travel scarves that I recently made for my Etsy store:



Does this explosion of blue in my life have a connection with the resurgence of our cultural interest in blues music? Am I sad and just don't know it? Or, does the appearance of blue, as the color of the throat chakra, signify for me that I am finally finding my voice and speaking my truth? Why is blue showing up for me all of a sudden?

The last item is a bracelet in my new "Love-Me-Knot" design. It too is oh so blue.

Recently I've been daydreaming about wearing a sweater in a beautiful pale blue that is a cross between aqua and sea foam green. The hunt is on for some yarn in such a color. If you see some, tell me where it is.

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