Saturday, June 6, 2009

Playing with Photography

My photos need work, so yesterday I set out to experiment. The goal is to get more of my product photos selected for treasuries on Etsy so that my shop gets more exposure.

Some of the photos that I had taken early on were really bland and my shop didn't have enough of a unified style. Not enough of the photos were eye-catching. What could I do to make them pop off the page?

Some old roses, from a bouquet that a friend had brought me the week before, tempted me to take pictures of them.

The two photos above had their saturation lowered and were developed in Adobe Lightroom with the setting called "Punch." After shooting these, I wondered what else could be done with old roses, and then I remembered--that's the name of one of my bead lariats. So...this is what I shot next.

This photo didn't have any fancy settings.

Well, what else could I do with a rose? How about some artsy setting from Lightroom--I forget what it was called:

Here's a setting called "Old Photo" on the next shot:

And here's the original:

Next I decided that I really liked my jewelry with flowers. So I'm off on a whole new trek!


  1. Wow.. cool to see the different effects with the same photos! I kind of like the antique looking one... lovely colors! ;)

  2. I really like the 'old photo' technique an in general the jewelry with the flowers are also nice. Maybe instead of using the whole flower maybe just flower petals? I like where you are going and summer is the perfect time to revamp your shop. Peace!
