Friday, August 21, 2009

Another Treat!

Lady Luck is hangin' 'round me this month for sure!

I won some double-pointed knitting needles by Lantern Moon at the Sock Summit this month and the little beauties arrived in the mail this week.

Lantern Moon is a Pacific Northwest company with a global perspective and an environmental commitment. They partner with handcrafting communities in Vietnam, pay them a fair wage, and then sell the gorgeous products around the world.

Many months ago I had the opportunity to attend a local guild meeting at which Lantern Moon gave a slide show presentation of the people of Viet Nam crafting the products that they sell. The photos were stunning and really captured the hearts of everyone in the guild.

These are a few of their many cool products:

Especially for Sock Knitters (photo copyright Lantern Moon)

Gelato, Silk Taffeta Ribbon designed by Leigh Radford
in collaboration with Lantern Moon (photo by Lantern Moon)

Sunburst, seagrass woven tote with taffeta lining
Photo by Lantern Moon


  1. Wow, those are great. And, though I've always admired Lantern Moon products, I didn't know how much emphasis they put on fair trade. Oh, and being from the Seattle area (just not there anymore), I like them even better. Congrats!
