Sunday, August 2, 2009

Class Day for Bead Crochet Bangle

Today is the day I am teaching the bead crochet bangle class that I mentioned way back when.

I spent the day prepping handouts and supplies.

These are the practice spools of Mastex bead cord each with it's own little necklace. Those things that looks like berries are the starts for bead crochet ropes. Each student will get one of these for practicing before starting their own project.

The hardest part of making a bead crochet rope is starting. So early in the class each student can learn and practice the easier part of the whole process. Later, they can scream that I am an idiot while trying to learn the start-up part. (That's when I will bribe them with chocolate.)

Actually, after they try the traditional method of starting a rope, I have a little surprise for them.

These are little bead crochet starter tubes that I made for them. These goodies make beginning a rope a whole lot easier. To see how to use them, read the previous post.

Well, I am burning the midnight oil and better get some sleep. Wish me luck with the class!


  1. Have a great class!
    What a wonderful teacher you are, letting them have those goodies!
    I always would rant and rave about not being able to thread my bobbin in my sewing machine, so I feel the pain! hahaha.

  2. You sound like such a wonderful teacher. Best of luck with the class!
