Friday, October 2, 2009

Painted Hills and Autumn Goods

On our trip to the Wallowa Lake Lodge in Joseph we took the long way around, turning a six hour trip into a day and a half of driving by going through the incredible John Day/Fossil Area.

What a glorious surprise awaited us in the magnificent splendor of the Painted Hills Unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument!

I could try to describe the colors to you, but it would be useless because the colors you see is dependent on the time of day, the time of year, and whether or not there has been rain recently.

We took an easy hike through this area. Mr. ChaCha took around a thousand photos on the first day, many of which were taken here. He is studiously adjusting his camera in the next photo.

I mostly use the point and shoot method when taking pictures outdoors.

The glorious colors in the day and the coolness in the evening definitely put me in the mood for autumn knits.

This is the machine knit scarf/wrap that you saw blocked and drying last week. It's about to go in my Etsy store.

This little purse crocheted from recycled sari silk is going along to the store as well.


  1. Love the Painted Hills and that entire part of the state actually. I find that type of simple landscape so calming.

    Beautiful scarf and the purse is too cute! Now that the cooler weather has arrived I'm looking forward to finishing a few projects and working through reading the large stack of books on my night stand.

  2. Wow that is totaly stunning! Glad I dropped by
    Your work is great too

    Thankyou for visiting my blog, I do do kitties - just havent had much demand for them latley - I guess the cats are scared to drop in on a doggys blog ;D

  3. What amazing photos! It makes me wish I were there to see it all myself!
    Now a follower!
