Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Could Not Have Said It Any Better

Mary Mooney, in the Oregonian knitting blog wrote a wonderful post on Sunday called "True confessions, knitting edition" It's a fun read, so check it out. Here's my favorite part because I'm so not yet on the Facebook bandwagon. Here's what Mary said:
... as an adult I appear to be one of 14 people on the planet not on Facebook. (I have nothing against Facebook, honestly. It's just that I'm a truly boring person, and I don't see the point of reminding everyone of that with regular updates that I spend my time working, running and knitting. Really, the most interesting thing about is me is that I knit, and I can blab about that here. And as an extra bonus, I can blab about that here without simultaneously learning that someone who sat beside me in the fourth grade is currently watching "Mad Men"in his underwear and eating Oreos. Tell me that's not a win-win situation.)

Not having a personal page on Facebook is something about not wanting that many friends. It's something about shyness. It's also about not wanting to be part of the great time suck and a little about not wanting to read about what all those potential friends might be doing every day. I love my blog, Twitter, & Ravelry friends. It would just be too much to add one more social network and still keep my sanity.

I do have a page for the business but have been too busy to do anything with it yet. I need a Facebook fairy to show up and fix it for me.


  1. It is AMAZING to me how much time so many folks spend on FB! I do periodically spend more time than I should, but have to admit for the most part, I remind myself to go check/post/interact on a regular basis. :P

  2. I feel exactly the same way as you about FB. But, all my family with children are putting up pictures of the kids, so I might have to join up just to see the latest pictures.
