Monday, November 1, 2010

Photo Reshoots

I have been so busy reshooting photos for my Etsy store! Partially this is because the Etsy site has changed its format to a wider one.  I needed to change the ratio aspect of the lead photos so that in gallery view the photos do not look like they are jumping off the page at you. The other reason is that a lot of my photos needed major improvement. I am almost through changing out photos for everything on the first page of my shop. Phew!

Also, there is that stack of product ready to be listed if only there were photos ready. Valerie is happy to be working again. She sat around aimlessly for a lot of the summer, playing cards with the circus midgets and drinking beer. She was really starting to get fat. As soon as she knew she would be modeling again, she went on a huge diet. Here she is, looking svelte again:


  1. I want to know her diet secret she looks AMAZING!! my poor little Etsy shop is like a ghost town, "sigh"...

  2. She's lovely, as always! I wish Miss Fiberworks looked as good!
    ;-) (The hat looks great, too!)
