Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is it the new year already?

The new year has more than arrived, and I am only slowly waking up to it.

Are you one of those people who can wake up and jump right into the day's first task? Mr. Cha Cha is like that. Is it a guy thing? Such a contrast to my day which starts slowly in a groggy state.

Even though it's a new year and I intend to have intentions about it, it's a slow go right now. Just like starting the day, the year is only sinking into my consciousness a little bit at a time.

Print of At the Vanity by Frieseke for sale on Etsy by ArtdeLimaginaire

Truly, some thinking about changes to routines, the need for better organization, and a desire for more free time has been happening. It's just too lacking in precision to be put into words yet.

How about you? Do you make resolutions? Have you started them already? Any special dreams for 2012?

1 comment:

  1. You've perfectly described my new year response and my reaction to each new day as well. My husband cannot understand why I don't remember anything he tells me at 5am!

    I am in organization mode and wondering why the clock is moving so quickly.

    Happy new year!
