Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Knottin', Honey

It was not to do nothing that I was away from the blog all those months this year. You won't hear from me any detail about the absence, but it involved a lot of stress. If you are glad I'm back, with no questions asked, that is unconditional readership, and you are a gem.

One of the things I did to de-stress this past summer was to make jewelry.  It was a nice change from working with fiber, and who wants to work with yarn in the heat of the summer!

"Pearl-knotting" was one of the types of jewel-making that I did. It can be very relaxing and soul-healing.

 Pearl knotting is easy to learn. If you are interested check out the great videos about it online.

 Hand-knotting beads has a nicely paced rhythm, like a slow foxtrot or a waltz.

It has a meditative quality, especially when working with smaller beads, like in these last two items.

Best of all, when Mr. Cha Cha asks what I'm doing, it's so fun to say "Knottin', Honey."

1 comment:

  1. Lovely work! I totally get what you mean by the meditative quality to repetitive work. It's one reason I love zentangling and creating line drawings for coloring pages. "Knotting honey"- too cute. :)
