Welcome to the magical world of Zeng. I learned about her from some of the deer who wonder through our property on the way to the nearby forest. They were singing the praises for Zeng's artwork and I overheard them.
Zeng is a Chinese professional designer who majored in furniture design and graphic design. When I contacted her about featuring her work on my blog, she said that she was delighted but because she is in China, she cannot view my blog. Evidently Blogger is blocked and so is Facebook.
Zeng's images will cause your imagination to swoon with delight. They are a magical potion to make you feel young again. Her rabbit girls and deer ladies are inspired by her love of children and reading fairy tales.

Zeng says that she is good at design software such as Photoshop, CS, Cinema 4D, CorelDraw, and Painter. We all would wholehearted agree about her talent.

More than her talent, it is Zeng's vision that embraces your soul and makes you feel like the world is new and anything can happen. It is a world where deer ladies wear bustles and little rabbit girls frolic in tulle and organza.

Two Little Rabbit Girls by Zeng
Zeng's world is one to which we all want to belong. It is a world in which there are no health care debates and everybody gets along.
WOW! Interesting art :)
Merry Christmas :)
These are wonderful! What a patient and talented artist this person must be. Thanks so much for sharing these!
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