Sometimes, beauty shows up suddenly.
You gotta be ready not to miss it.
You have to be there and look up just at the right time.
You have to show appreciation right away because the opportunity might not last.
The sky outside my window tonight was so inviting that I had to run out to the deck to see it closer and snap its photo.
Good thing I went at once. A minute later, it was gone.

Isn't it beautiful? Reminds me of this sweet handspun 2-ply yarn I just bought from The Spun Monkey on Etsy. Glad I bought it. Great stuff like this goes fast!

Wonderful! Great capture both in photo and in yarn.
You're so right. Be it a gorgeous sky or some lovely yarn, or as I noted last night--my little boy playing with his puppy--beautiful things need to be noticed, held on to, and appreciated.
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